The responsible flow: FITT’s sustainability strategy to 2030

“Making this world a better place, for us and for future generations” is the entrepreneurial vision of Alessandro Mezzalira, CEO of FITT, which is realised by doing business generating economic, environmental and social value.
FITT’s responsible commitment is based on three drivers: innovation, transparency and interdependence. These three drivers are both FITT’s DNA, meaning the distinctive characteristics that define the company and make it unique, and the way FITT implements its sustainability strategy.

At a time when the climate challenge is becoming more and more pressing and all companies are being called upon to address ESG issues, FITT has also embarked on its own sustainability journey, aware that there are no complete and universal solutions.

E, which stands for Environmental, sees FITT engaged on two parallel fronts: energy, with a view to decarbonisation, and development of innovative products. For the first, the target is to achieve carbon neutrality (Scope 1-2) for all Italian plants by 2025 and for all group plants by 2030. For the second, the aim is to reach by 2025 a 10% turnover from innovative products with lower impact, producing 10% less Co2eq than their traditional equivalents.
S, which stands for Social, sees FITT engaged again on two complementary fronts, one internal and one external. The first includes the creation of wellbeing, inclusion and security for the FITT people, while the second concentrates on support of social and environmental initiatives, both local and international, mainly in the fields of health, women, youth and people with special needs, creating partnerships with the stakeholders.
G, which stands for Governance, sees FITT committed to act as a responsible company by rewriting a new business model that creates shared value, thus contributing to bring about a positive impact in the life of people and the environment.

The first step of this path consisted in FITT becoming a Benefit Company: together with the aim of making a profit, the company also added in its statute the public and official commitment of a positive impact on society and the biosphere, by operating in a responsible, sustainable and transparent manner.
Although an Italian family business, FITT is most of all a multinational group with several production sites in Europe and sales offices all over the world. Hence the need to adopt international references. Therefore, following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, structured following the 17 goals identified by the UN – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -, FITT has selected 7 of them for its own strategy:  6.Clean water and sanitation; 7.Affordable and clean energy; 8.Decent work and economic growth; 9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure; 12.Sustainable production & consumption; 13.Climate change; 17.Partnership for the Goals.


SDG 17 Partnership for the goals – FITT and Fundació Fluidra

To succeed, the 2030 Agenda must therefore rely on inclusive partnerships, common visions, principles and values shared among governments and public and private entities, at global, regional, national and local level.

With this in mind, FITT has chosen to support two projects of Fundació Fluidra, a foundation established by the multinational Fluidra in 2016 with the aim of guaranteeing access to water and its benefits to all, including the most disadvantaged communities, and promoting the sustainable use of water resources.

The social swimming pool in Senegal

FITT has chosen to support Fundació Fluidra in the construction of a social swimming pool at a school in Thiaroye, in Senegal, which will help more than 2,000 children to learn to swim. This activity will help combat death by drowning, which, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), is one of the top 10 causes of death among children worldwide.

Fundación CRAM

Fundación CRAM is a non-profit organisation committed to safeguarding the marine environment and its inhabitant species. Together with Fluidra, FITT is contributing to the renovation and expansion of the marine animal rescue centre, which will therefore become more easily accessible, walkable and sustainable.

Because only together can we make a difference.